Shantel A. Martinez


Wheat Molecular Genetics | Preharvest Sprouting


Outreach & SciComm

Communicating Research to the Ones That Matter


Grow NYC

Sept 2018
The Variety Showcase in NYC is an interactive mixer designed to build community among plant breeders, seed growers, farmers, chefs, produce buyers, food journalists, consumers and more.

Plant Science Day

March 2018
Engaging students in the Eastern WA area of all ages to a free interactive plant science fair with PhD students across many disciplines.


Field Day 2019

Updating farmers about the current research on wheat (and barley) preharvest sprouting during the Cornell Small Grains Field Day and the Aurora NY Field Day

Wheat Academy 2016

Farmers and industry employees attend a 2 day workshop with scientists to discuss current topics and issues being addressed by the WSU wheat breeding program.


Falling Numbers Workshop 2019

This workshop was held just before the Western Wheat Quality Meeting and held some intense and highly stimulating discussion on how to solve the low FNs problem. People attending the workshop ranged from 30+yr farmers, people who sell the wheat to Japan, along with the breeders creating the wheat… all in one room.
Find PHS resources and my presentation slides here

Listen to the summary of the workshop in a three part series (Episodes 113-115) from the WA Grain Commissions: Wheat All About it podcast. A brief highlight of my talk can be found at the end of episode 114.

Falling Numbers Summit 2017

As a result of a low FN crisis in the Pacific Northwest in 2016, the wheat community gathered together to tackle the low FN problem. Scientists, farmers, commissioners, bakers, and breeders all attended and as a result, wrote a white paper sent to congress to request additional funding to research this issue more in depth. Listen to one of the great achievements from this summit on Wheat All About It’s Episode 73


Office: Bradfield Hall Rm 420 | Cornell University
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Twitter: s_amealia
Google Scholar: publications
LinkedIn: shantel-a-martinez
Github: shantel-a-martinez